Our purpose is to glorify God and maximize our joy by growing an extended family of fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
The Red Brick Church is an independent, evangelical church that centers on Christ and his Word. We believe that following Christ is not only the right thing, it is the best thing.
- We are a young church with lots of kids, but also an old church founded in 1858 with many senior saints.
- We are relevant to the modern world, but we are rooted in the Word of Christ.
- We are local in serving our community, but we are global in our involvement to spread the gospel to the world.
- We are a fun church family, but we are serious about studing the word of God and encouraging each other to be fully devoted to Christ.
- Our new 6,500 sq multipurpose "Brick Center" on our main campus is completed and being used for multiple functions. We'd love to show you the new Center!
We are located in Stillman Valley, IL only 10 minutes from the Rockford airport, 4 miles from Byron. People attend our church from Rockford, Cherry Valley, Oregon, Byron, Davis Junction, Winnebago, and the Rochelle area.
What to Expect
Red Brick offers two identical services at 9:00 & 10:30 am. Our services normally last about 75 minutes. We employ various styles of music reflecting the cross-generational nature of our church. Our Lead Pastor, Chris Brauns, centers his preaching on the Bible. He specializes in making complex concepts accessible and relevant to the church family.
See our Facebook page to watch our live stream at 9am or our previous services.
Kids 9:00 - Nursery is available at our 9 and 10:30 am worship services.
Our children's programs include nursery through high school. Each child checks in at the beginning of each service.
The nursery is on the main floor just outside the west doors of the auditorium. For Sunday School, our preschool kids meet in the lower level of the church and our K - 12th grade youth meet in our new Brick Center.
Kids 10:30 - Children's Church available during 10:30 am worship service.
During the 10:30am service, children (4yrs-1st grade) sit in the main service with their families and are dismissed to Children's Church during the message.
Adult "Mortar" Groups
Our adult "MORTAR" groups meet during the 9 am service in the Adult SS Classroom at the church and in the Brick Center main area during the 10:30 am service, except for during the months of June, July and August. There's time to get to know each other over a fresh pot of coffee and some treats before studying the Bible together. See all our adult ministries here.
What to wear
We don't have a dress code here and believe that God is more concerned about who you are as a person than what you wear.
1 Service Sundays
We meet at 9:00am but DO NOT have a 10:30am service on these days in 2023. There is also no Sunday School on these Sundays:
- September 24 (Fall Festival weekend)
- December 24
- December 31
- See our calendar for all our events.
We are right on Highway 72 with plenty of parking surrounding the church.
See our campus map below.
Our greeters and parking attendants will help you find the right place for you and your children.
Get directions.