Jr and Sr High Youth are invited to the Bogner Home on Wednesday, May 31st for an END OF YEAR party!!
Sunday School Choir Sings
We always love and enjoy when our Sunday School Choir (Preschool – 5th grade) sing and worship with us during the service! Our choirs will be singing on Sunday, May 14th at the beginning of both the 9:00 and 10:30 am services.
Please join us for breakfast (biscuits & gravy, egg casseroles, donuts, juice and coffee) on Easter Sunday morning from 8:00 to 8:45 am in the Brick Center. At 9:00 am, we will have our worship service and Sunday School available for all ages. At 10:30 am, there is an Adult SS class along with our second worship service. Our Easter … Read More
We will be having a community Good Friday Service on Friday, April 7th at 7:00 pm at our church with all area pastors participating in the service.
Help us celebrate Pastor Chris’ 60th birthday on Saturday, March 25th from 5 to 7 pm in the Brick Center. Dinner and birthday cake will be provided. Please click HERE to register you and your family for the celebration! Powered byGST Registration
Youth Super Bowl Party
Bring a friend to the Kishwaukee Community Church for a Super Bowl Party! We will be watching the game … but there will also be dinner, snacks, and various other games (including a pickle ball tournament) going on from 5:00 to 9:30 pm!
Youth Group Winter Camp
Our Jr and Sr High Youth are heading to Expeditions Unlimited in Baraboo Wisconsin from February 17 to the 19. A lot of great indoor and outdoor activities!