Senior High 360 Leadership Conference

Chris BraunsUncategorized

Mark your calendars for April 17-18! The Red Brick Senior High Youth Group is traveling to Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL for their annual 360 Leadership Conference!


Sign up directly through the website before January 12 and get $10 off!

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2015 Conference Schedule

Friday, April 17, 2015
4:00–5:45pm Check-In
(Waybright Center Lobby)
5:45–6:45pm Dinner
6:45–7:00pm Break
7:00–8:30pm Main Session I
8:30–8:45pm Break
8:45–10:00pm Friday Night Frenzy*
10:00pm–12:00am TIU Coffee House
Saturday, April 18, 2015
7:30am Luggage Rooms open
8:00–8:30am Breakfast
8:30–10:00am Main Session II
10:00–10:15am Huddle Time
10:30–11:20am Workshop 1
11:20 – 11:30am Break
11:30am – 12:20pm Workshop 2
12:20–1:25pm Lunch
1:25–2:15pm Workshop 3
2:15–2:30pm Break
2:30–4:00pm Main Session III
4:00–6:00pm Art from the Heart: CAUSEGEAR
6:00pm Students Picked up Outside
Meyers Sports Complex
*Bring active wear and warm clothes for this outdoor activity, weather permitting.


The price for attending the 2-day conference is:

  • $70 per student, if you register before January 12th
  • $80 per student, if you register before April 10th

This fee includes meals, lodging, CAUSEGEAR bag, and conference t-shirt.