
We will tube float the Kishwaukee River on August 8. Our plan is to meet at the shelter next to the tennis courts in Baumann Park, Cherry Valley at 11 a.m. Bring a brown bag lunch to eat at the park before we float in our tubes down the river to Espenscheide Forest Preserve. Upon arrival at Espenscheide, we will serve bottled water and a snack. A couple vehicles will shuttle anyone back to Baumann to pick up vehicles left there. Parents should plan to meet us at Espenscheid no later than 2 p.m.

Parents are welcome to join us for the fun!

Things you should know: the river is neither very deep nor fast moving between the park and forest preserve in Cherry Valley. Depth at Perryville Road is about 6 feet today and in parts along the stretch we will tube, it is less than 12 inches. Most of the river bottom is rocky, so there is always the risk that a tube pops. We will have extra tubes with us.

Things to bring: brown bag lunch, sunscreen, sunglasses, your favorite innertube, and water shoes (Crocs worked well for us a couple weeks ago).

We will have at least one phone with us on the river. If you bring yours, be sure to secure it to your person in a waterproof carrier.

RSVP by Friday, August 7, 2020 at this LINK for the Tube Float the Kishwaukee River Youth Event at Baumann Park.

Please call Pastor David at 815-289-3246, if you have any questions.