The Wise Men brought gold, frankincense and myrrh --this Christmas season we are encouraging our church family to celebrate Christmas with our own set of gifts that illustrate True Religion. Together we will:
- Sing - Bring your voice and enjoy the joy of singing together: Children’s program (12/9), an adult choir (12/16), a combined service on 12/23, and a candlelight Christmas Eve service at 4:00 PM (12/24).
- Pray- Write out a prayer for our church. Children should draw a picture of their prayers to share with the church.
- Exchange Gifts - On December 23, we will exchange gifts with one another.
- Give to Jesus - On December 23, we are encouraging our church family to make an additional financial gift, above and beyond normal giving, as we plan for the future of our church.
Our Christmas celebration of making merry at Christmas will culminate with a time of gift giving on December 23. Our schedule will be as follows:
9:00-9:45 – Abbreviated First Service.
10:00-10:30 - A special combined celebration.
10:45 - 11:30 Abbreviated Second Service
It is going to be a great December as we sing together, hear God’s Word proclaimed, and adore our Savior.
Here’s how you can be part of the gift exchange on December 23.
- Complete a Christmas profile (below). This is what the person who gets your gift will see (except for your name). We need your profile by December 2. It will take you about 3 minutes to do it either electronically or by hand at church.
- Be assigned a profile of the person you will give a present to. We will give you the profile of the person you are giving a gift to by December 9.
- Prepare a present. Don’t spend much money. No more than $5 and it is okay if you don’t spend anything! But do give it some thought. Make a card, bake a cookie, create a craft, draw a picture or do something that will encourage someone else to make merry at Christmas.
- Be here on December 23 with your present. And be ready to celebrate together. At the conclusion of the service you will be finding the person to give your gift to and someone will be finding you. It will be a great time.