Standing on the Promises that CANNOT Fail!

Chris BraunsUncategorized

MB studying

Dean & Grif


Our annual AWANA Bible Quiz is this Saturday , 10am at Maywood Ev Free church in Rockford (3621 Samuelson Rd).

As I think of the gospel song ‘Standing on the Promises’, each verse is such a treasure, but this verse prevailed in light of the Bible Quiz and the purpose of AWANA to teach kids to know, love and serve Christ with scripture memory as its foundation:

Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,
Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword, <—The BIBLE!
Standing on the promises of God.

We would love for those at Red Brick Church to join us and show support of these kids from our church and the community as they compete Saturday (in a Christian way! 🙂 ).  In fact, you can begin now by praying that God will help them remember with accuracy the verses and other scriptural principles they have been studying come quiz time this Saturday.  Encourage those you see in the coming days that we are glad they have chosen well and competed for His sake!

Ultimate Adventure Book 1
Team 1 Elaine Daniels, Harliegh Wallin
Team 2 Leo Cardenas, Micah Reed

Ultimate Adventure Book 2
Team 1 Lyndsey McNeilly, Hope Wallin
Team 2 Jeremiah Bogner, Sebastian Cardenas, Harvey Pollock

Ultimate Challenge Book 1
Team 1 Elizza Easley, Colleen Roberts, Griffin Smits

Ultimate Challenge Book 2
Team 1 Marybeth Brauns, Lucy Daniels, Hanna Wallin

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