Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) program begins June 9. Our church VBS program will be a beehive of children from Byron, Oregon, Davis Junction, Rockford, Stillman Valley and other surrounding communities.
I wandered around today talking to workers who are busy getting ready – – and I spent some time on the floor playing with children. My goal isn’t just to play and wander. My objective is to be in an attitude of prayer.
Here are some of the ways I am praying for this year’s VBS program at the Red Brick Church in Stillman Valley.
- I am praying our children will hear God’s Word and that they will learn from the earliest age that at our church we treasure the Bible.
- I am praying that we will talk to them clearly about the gospel. “Gospel” means good news and we want them to know the greatest news of all (see here).
- I am praying that all adults who drop their children off will be warmly greeted and will sense a spirit of love.
- I am praying that our children will know that we love them.
- I am praying for safety.
- I am praying for fun. It’s not wrong to have fun at church! See here.
- I am praying that our adult leaders will keep our philosophy of youth ministry in mind.