Our church in Stillman Valley brings people together from Byron, Oregon, Rockford, Davis Junction, Rochelle and other surrounding communities.
Summer is all about the excitement of watching things grow. Just ask Mary Beth, who is smiling about her garden. (Or read her garden journal).
There are a lot of reasons to smile about growth at the Red Brick Church in Stillman Valley this summer. Our people from Byron, Rockford, Oregon, Rochelle, Davis Junction and other surrounding communities will be coming together for any number of activities:
- On June 2, Pastor Chris will begin a new series on “Sharpening Our Saws For Cutting Through Life.” A series of 6 messages will show how the book of Proverbs gives us wisdom for God’s will, how we talk, friendships, work and other practical areas.
- Sign up at church for a Dessert for 8: a special chance to get to know other people in our church family for contact the office for more information.
- A Parent Interaction Event (P.I.E.) will be held at 10:15 AM on June 9 following the morning service. It will be a fun time of interaction regarding what is next for the youth ministries. Childcare will be provided.
- Youth and College age can Go Deep at the Brauns home this summer. Pastor Chris and Jamie are inviting young people into their home to talk about hard questions about life: Is Jesus the only way? How could God allow suffering? Is the Christian life hard or easy? How do I know what God wants me to do? These will be on (6/30), (7/5, 14), (8/4,11).
- Vacation Bible School at the Red Brick Church in Stillman Valley is June 10-14th from 9am – 12pm.
- New Members Sunday is June 30 at 9:00 AM. We will have a time of coffee and donuts following the morning service at 10:05 AM.
- Numerous groups of youth and children are leaving for Camp Forest Springs!
- Pastor Chris will finish preaching through 1 Timothy later this summer.
- JOY Sunday on August 18 is a special Sunday when we give you an overview of how you can get involved at the Red Brick Church with a church picnic afterwards.