Controversial? Perhaps. Green? It remains to be seen. But dull? No way. Things are crackling at the Red Brick Church. Consider the following imperatives:
- Witness the Controversy: I’m going to stir things up a bit Sunday. It may cause just a little tension. But life’s too short not to be controversial. (And it will be fun too). This is the final sermon of our series, “Amazing Grace for Everyday Life.” Remember that you can listen to previous sermons here.
- Give a gift: In addition to witnessing the controversy, give a gift. Would you bring a few small prizes to encourage at church? Someone brought us a jar of jam this week. Could you bring 2 or 3 small gifts to encourage someone (or 250?)
- Litter the Valley – The Leading Our Emotions series is coming up. We have many sermon series fliers to hand out during Fall Festival. We’re praying that they’ll be more prevalent than Tootsie Rolls at the parade. If litter worries you, go green and invite someone electronically. You can go here for an invitation from Spock or see the postcard online here.
- September 30 – A Grid For Understanding Our Emotions
- October 7 – Depressed
- October 14 – Weary of Well-Doing
- October 21 – Angry
- October 28 – Conflicted
- Nov 4 – Worried
- Nov 11 – Grieved
- Nov 18 – Wistful
- Consider the Case for Partying (for youth) – There is a case to be made for partying in high school and I’m looking forward to making it on Monday morning at 6:45 for our student study. All junior high and senior high youth are invited.
- Contemplate Ravi Zacharias’s thoughts about homosexuality. The post I recently put up on my web site that is Ravi Zacharias speaking carefully about homosexuality is well worth watching.
- Give to the Lord – Our accessibility project is nearly complete. Many people have expressed excitement over it. And we should be excited. One of the most authentic and honest ways we can express thanksgiving is to give faithfully, sacrificially, and proportionally to the Lord’s work. God loves a cheerful giver!
- Pray. Above all. This week over 5000 sermon series fliers will go out in the Ogle County Life. People who are so down that they have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning will receive one. Others who wrestle with anger all the time may hold one in their hands. Would you pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will use our church to point them to the gospel and show they how they can lead their emotions rather than their emotions leading them?